Saturday 19 October 2013

50 Random Facts About Me


Its crazy how busy I have been recently and school work has been my priority at the moment so I haven't blogged for agesss! So I have just had a bit of a quiet moment so I thought that i would sit down and do a chatty blog. So I have seen the '50 Random Facts About Me Tag' floating around and I thought it might be nice for you to know a bit more about me. Feel free to tag yourself in the comments and I will have a look at yours! So lets get started...

1. My name is Honor Niamh Fermor (quite a mouthful hah!)
2. My birthday is on the 11th February 2000
3. I have a fear of spiders, snakes and peacocks!
4. I am a gymnast
5. I have my ear lobes pierced and my cartilage pierced on my left ear, I want my tragus pierced on the right though!
6. I hate butter
7. I was going to be called Ruby
8. I want to move to London when I'm 18
9. I want to become a professional makeup artist or something sporty
10. I am a dancer
11. I've done modelling and hope to do some more
12. I'm a slight bit addicted to Instagram and Youtube
13. I have no tattoos
14. I have pet ducks, their names are Jemima, Rosie and Daisy. We unfortunately lost one a couple of weeks ago called Buttercup:'(
15. I hate it when boys have long hair
16. I'm a complete shopaholic
17. I don't like reading unless it's an amazing book 
18. I love hot chocolate and dried mango
19. I loveeee candles
20. I love skincare products
21. I am normally happy but can be very moody at times!
22. I'm really emotional 
23. I'm single
24. I can speak a bit of French and German
25. My favourite subjects are Art and P.E
26. I am obsessed with Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Made In Chelsea and Eastenders
27. I can't wait to learn how to drive
28. I used to want to be a doctor
29. I listen to music constantly
30. I hate wasps
31. I want to have a dog
32. I have never watched Pitch Perfect
33. I hate people butting into a conversation
34. I have 2 sisters
35. I love skiing
36. I am starting a Youtube channel very soon (so excited!)
37. I LOVE Christmas
38. My favourite shops are Topshop, Miss Selfridge and Urban Outfitters
39. I spend way too much money in Boots and Superdrug
40. I love pastel colours
41. I get stressed out really easily (not very many people know it though)
42. I need to drink more
43. When i was about 8 I had my hair cut into a bob and have been growing it out ever since because I hated it
44. I love fitness
45. I've always lived in the UK
45. I'm really bad at describing fragrances
46. I would love to be a great singer
47. Mint green and white are my favourite colours
48. Family and friends mean the world to me
49. I am 5.4 ft 
50. Autumn clothing is my fave

So those were 50 Facts about me, I hope you have enjoyed reading this and feel like you know me a bit more. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. I will also try to blog a bit more as half term is coming up so I will have a lot more time to waste!

Honor xxx