Wednesday 4 September 2013

Skincare Favourites #1

Hello lovelies!

Okay so today I am going to be blogging about my skincare favourites.This obviously isn't my whole skincare routine but these are probably the ones I come back to most. Skincare is a very important thing for me and I try to keep my skin looking as flawless as possible, naturally (although sometimes I do get the odd spot!). So these are a few of my favourites that keep my skin looking radiant!

The first product is the Simple Purifying Cleansing Lotion. This is a great way to get off your make-up (heavy/light) and it also makes your skin feeling lovely and clean. I use this product after my make up remover just so that I know that all of my make up has gone! It has a blend of multi-vitamins, skin-loving ingredients and gentle cleansers to cleanse and soften your skin. This is on the market for £2.99 which is such a bargain for what it does. You can pick it up in any local Boots or Superdrug stores!

Next up if another Simple product, surprise surprise:) It is the Simple Blackhead Eliminating Face Scrub. I don't really get blackheads and I think the main reason that I don't get them is because I use this every night! This is a sort of exfoliant and you just apply it around your nose and chin, massage it in and wash of with a flannel/muslin cloth. It has really worked for me and is around the £5 mark.

Lush products haven't been my favourites in the past but recently I have been on a bit of a Lush haul, oops! I think my favourite product that I bought is this one, Lemony Flutter. Its a very thick, creamy sort of texture and you use it as a moisturiser. I use it on my cuticles, elbows, knees and heels as they all get quite dry at times. Using this works a treat! I really recommend this product if you suffer from dry skin or if you just like quite a heavy moisturiser. The only bad thing about it really is the smell, its a bit overwhelming at first but you soon get used to it!

Last of all is the lip balm that I have been using for agesss! This is like holy grail for me, its Blistex Intensive Moisturiser Hydrating Lip Cream (quite a mouth full!) This stuff works wonders for me. I don't use this in the day time as it is quite thick and sometimes can leave your lips looking a bit white.You can use it in the day though if you want as it also has SPF 10 in it, I just choose not to! I use it every night, right at the end of my skincare routine and let it sink in while I am sleeping. Its one of those products that you know that is working as soon as you put the first bit on. I can't stress how much everyone needs this. Every morning I wake up to smooth lips and it is all due to this! It is £2.63 and worth every penny!

Those are my skincare favourites, if you have any questions on my skincare or products just comment below!

Honor xx

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